I glanced out of the bedroom window at Dave, my husband of sixteen years mowing the lawn. The sight of him in his blue singlet, faded old shorts, safety boots, earmuffs, and sun hat made me linger. He cut an impressive figure with his muscles bulging as he pushed the lawnmower up the slope of the bank. I continued to watch him admiringly. Read More …


The first inkling I had that my wife didn’t deserve the trust I’d always placed in her was after an invitation to our new neighbour’s house. Sandy and John had bought the place a year ago but delayed moving in until they’d completed major renovations which included the building of a clay tennis court. Sarah and I were the first of the neighbours they invited over. We enjoyed a lovely barbecue lunch and some friendly drinks before being given the grand tour. Ours was an affluent neighbourhood and the tour of the gardens alone took some time and ended up at the magnificent tennis court. At John’s invitation, Sarah and I went home, only next door, to change into clothes more suited to tennis. Read More …