THE EARLY MORNING LIGHT streamed through the narrow gaps in the wooden venetians. Olivia Hammond rolled to her side and took a moment to admire the way the sunlight threw bands of light across the naked torso of her husband. At thirty-three he was still in peak condition and certainly didn’t perpetuate the stereotype of the scrawny computer nerd. Her gaze travelled up his body and she smiled—Steven had thrown his arm over his eyes, blocking the light. Olivia was convinced Steven was like a puppy and could sleep anywhere, in any position. Read More …


I RECLINED ON THE chaise, shaded by a huge umbrella, beer in hand. The only thing separating the motel from the beach was a small stretch of lawn shaded by palm trees and an in-ground pool. Both were inviting and the weather was warm, but I was oblivious to the appeal of either. Read More …


GOD, HOW I WISHED I never got around to building my wife, Claire, the bookcase she’d been nagging me for ever since we’d moved into the old Federation cottage. The cottage she fell in love with and just had to have when we were finally financial enough to upgrade from our apartment to a house. Read More …